Thursday, May 1, 2008

Last week

The last week of classes... not much cause for celebration, considering I'm spending the duration of the summer taking more classes.

In Abnormal Psych this week, we were doing presentations. Public speaking is certainly not my forte, although I've gotten quite a bit of practice with it so far in college. My anxiety certainly doesn't help my feelings about public speaking, but I've coped well thus far. So I figured a quick 5 min talk about a topic in class would be no big deal, especially since I did a 45-min presentation by myself last semester. Well... I don't know WHAT the deal was, whether I was nervous for my job interview that I had after class, or what...but it was the most visibly/audibly nervous I have ever been. I think it's partly due to the fact that I don't feel comfortable in that class, but probably also because I had no visual - usually I have a Powerpoint to direct the audience's attention, but I didn't... and I could feel all eyes on me. Just when I thought I was perfecting my skills in this area... I realize I still have a lot more work to do to become comfortable with it.